An Ancient Calligraphy

for symphony orchestra, two harps, two vibraphones & harmonium

„Eastern calligraphy is a style of writing, a special writing technique and a style of drawing at the same time.. It is a complex system of signs, which has for us (because we are not able to understand it) mostly ornamental meaning and behind this decorative meaning, there are hidden mysteries we can only guess. The score reflects this mystery. Influenced by a mystic dream I had, I tried to project the visual resemblance to calligraphies of the East into the score. 

Simultaneously, I intended this resemblance not to be only superficial (graphical) but sonic as well. In the music itself there is a lot of „pen-and-ink drawings“ – the notes that are rhytmically „bijou“ articulated. The stress is put on the string-plugged instruments (harps) and percussions (vibrafones) and the greatest part of the piece develops in the meditative piano-pianissimo.

Musical material is also inspired by bit of a musical history. In this case the mediavel technique called Musica falsa, musica ficta seems to reflect a bit in a score."


Premiere: 16th of May 2007, Besední dům, Brno; Moravian philharmony Olomouc, conductor Martin Buchta

26th of August 2007, The House of Culture Ostrava; Janáček philharmony Ostrava, conductor Petr Kotík